Is it Safe to Put Data in the Cloud?

Is it safe to put data in the cloud and can it actually be safer than storing it on personal computers or on-premise business servers? Like all questions around risk, it depends.   Unless your company is hosting its own private cloud infrastructure, most cloud services are hosted publicly and are only accessible through the Internet, […]

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What is virtualization?

Virtualization is the practice of creating multiple computing environments from a single host machine or harnessing the collective power of numerous host machines. It’s been around for a while and is an invaluable tool that helps businesses increase their capabilities. We will unpack the basics of virtualization by stepping through an overview of how the […]

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Podcast: How’s your cloud?

we take a look at a few steps you can take to evaluate your cloud portfolio and assess if it is still working for your business. Should you scale back or use it more? Maybe, there is a happy middle ground that makes sense. So let’s go over some of the factors you need to consider and let’s see if this episode can lead to some decisions on your cloud usage.

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The compute engine that could

Businesses of all sizes are taking their first steps into the cloud. From email to online backups (see our post on cloud backups), there are plenty of services available for companies to utilize. One cloud service, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is becoming more popular than ever. This allows major data centers around the world […]

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